A sheriff's shootout turns into an adventure through the wondrous world of film.
In the context of ULTRAKORT, a project of the Dutch Film Fund.
The short animation premiered at the Dutch Film Festival (NFF) and
was screened as a pre-film to Honest Thief at Vue Cinemas.
- Winner of the Best Animated Short Awards – 2D Kids Action Adventure at Palm Springs International Animation Festival.
- Nominated for the Talent Award at Zuiderlijk Film Festival.
- Selected for the Debute Competition at NFF and Best Dutch Short Film Competition at Cinekid.
Directing: Jasper Loos, Diederick Geers, Jelle Janssen | Screenplay: Diederick Geers, Jelle Janssen |
Original idea: Jasper Loos | Production: Valk Production | Production assistant: Jasper Loos

The Operator
What if U suddenly lost the control U always thought you had?
Everything appears to be decided by someone or something else.
Would U fight back?
In the context of my final year of Film studies at art academy St. Joost.
The short, experimental fiction film premiered at a private screening
with all graduation films of the class of Film 2019 and was shown at LAUNCH!,
the graduation festival of St. Joost.
Selected for Eindhoven Film Festival, Veldhoven Filmhoven and Lift-Off Global Network.
Stills & Behind the scenes
Directing, screenplay: Jasper Loos | Cast: Onno Aerts | Production: Huib Robben | Cinematography: Daan Bothof |
Editing: Wouter van Gestel | Choreography: Emma Evelein
De Schalm
A girl with big dreams
enters the wonderful world
of the theatre.
The director’s cut of
Promo Theater de Schalm.
Directing, screenplay, editing: Jasper Loos | Cast: Lara Smits, Emy Pastoor | Cinematography: Jean-Paul Corsius |
Music: Bob Franken
A neurological condition
which makes you unable to
recognize or remember faces.
Sometimes even your own...
In the context of Film studies
at art academy St. Joost.
Stills & Experiments
Directing, cinematography, editing, cast: Jasper Loos

Mirror image
The night of his life.
In the context of Film studies at art academy St. Joost.
The film loop was shown as an installation at the Zout-Zoet Festival,
organised by second-year film students of St. Joost.
De film wordt hier gepresenteerd als een loop en start altijd vanaf een
a random moment to simulate the original experience of the installation.
2017 | Experimental | ∞
Directing, screenplay, cinematography, editing: Jasper Loos | Cast: Eric Kuijper
De IJzeren Klap
Jan Mooibroek blikt terug
op his past as projectionist
of 35mm-projectoren.
In the context of Film studies
at art academy St. Joost.
Directing, cinematography, editing: Jasper Loos | Cast: Jan Mooibroek